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free download goldwave Free PC Software to Download - GoldWave v5.69 Full Version Music Studio Download

GoldWave software is a great application for those who want to perform simple
audio editing and analyzing tasks. It contains excellent restoration tools and can edit large files.(free download goldwave software)

GoldWave is is a top rated, a comprehensive digital audio editor. GoldWave is ideal for people who work with free download goldwave software audio for CD editing, archive restoration, speech analysis, radio and TV, Java and
Web pages, games, or just for fun. Soft-activ.blogspot.com. You can use it to make everything from elaborate answering machine messages free download goldwave software to professional, high quality CD audio content.

Program New Features:
1. Multiple Document Interface for working with many files in one session
2. Huge file editing: 4GB and beyond (NTFS only)
3. Configurable RAM or hard drive editing
4. High quality: 24 bit, 192kHz
5. Real-time visuals: bar, waveform, spectrogram, spectrum, VU meter, …
6. Fast non-destructive editing. Cut, copy, delete, and undo take only a fraction of a second,
regardless of the file size
7. Multiple undo levels free download goldwave software
8. Many effects: distortion, doppler, echo, filter, mechanize, offset, pan, volume shaping, invert,
resample, equalizer, time warp, pitch, reverb, volume matcher, channel mixer, …
9. Effect previewing and presets
10. Audio restoration filters: noise reduction, pop/plick, smoother free download goldwave software

free download goldwave software

